For those who don’t know yet; I’m leading a bike tour across the country on the historic Trans America Trail. It looks like this:

A brief backstory is that this will not be my first long ride. I’ve ridden a few couple-hundred-milers fully loaded, and one big ‘un from Canada to Mexico on an outrageously big bike. I hope to treat y’all to posts about those in the future.
For now, I am learning swiftly how best to prepare for this trip, and I think it would be sweet to share my ride with you.

And what’s great is that she packs a lot in what feels to be a very balanced, smooth way. I loaded her up to within 5-10lbs of what I think I’ll be carrying on the road (there’s a bunch of “group gear” we all will share amongst us. Pots and pans, stoves, etc. which I haven’t received yet) Here she is unpacked:

My organization tool of choice is the humble stuff sack. You KNOW your underwear is in the little blue one. And your jacket in the yellow. Simple. I may play with writing which sacks are in which panniers to further streamline the process.
What you’re looking at here is:
A tent, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, and yoga mat.
Rain jacket, rain pants, windproof tights, thermal jersey, merino wool sweater
5 sleeveless riding tops, two pairs of riding shorts, and some knickers.
A bag of “street clothes” cause a girl can’t rock PowerPuffGirl pink spandex ALL the f’n time. That’s got harem pants, skirts, tanks. All earth tones, all natural fabrics.
iPhone, Kindle, Ipad, camera, headlamp, bike light, solar panel, and chargers for all of ’em.
Toiletries bag with essentials and that is where my focus is going to be in the next couple days. WHAT are essentials? I feel I’m going to need some heavy-duty FANCYpants moisturizer to not come out of this looking like a leather moccasin.
I put “supplements” in this category. They’re tricky, for sure. Pricey, and HEAVY. I want to be able to supplement the diet I will find in the middle of the country so I feel as shiny as I do eating all organic here in Cali. Wish me luck on that one. You can go nuts with supplements. I’m going to have to find the middle path. So far it’s Shatavari and Chlorella. Stay tuned for the complete line up. Suggestions welcome!
I packed her up and rode off on a 20 miler… I am slow as molasses without the gear, so I was pleasantly surprised to find that I wasn’t markedly slower with it. Winning!
Unfortunately, because of budgetary stuff, I have to box my bike off and ship it TOMORROW. No sooner had I gotten comfortable with her than we have to say good-bye. Well, at least that’s temporary. Between now and departure though, I will have to seriously step up my running game to stay in shape. My dog will love that plan. He hates bike riding.
I’m going to leave you with a photo of him patiently watching as I messed with all this stuff this afternoon.

Pingback: Loading up. | yogaofbiketour
Wow, this is awesome. Are you doing this alone? Be safe and have an amazing adventure. My favorite face moisturizer is at SOAP and it is the rosewater lotion.
Thanks for the tip! No, I’m not alone. I’m leading a tour of 8!
Wow! All the best to you as you begin what looks to me like an incredible adventure! And when the going gets rough, remember my fierce warrior… if it doesn’t instill fierce determination in you, may it at least get you moving, if only to get out of the way!
Wow! As you begin what looks like an incredible journey, when the going gets rough, think of my fierce warrior… if it doesn’t instill fierce determination in you, at least it might get you moving, if only to peddle out of the way! All the best!
As I practice my yoga, I hear your voice “shoulders down the back, abdomen tucked, use your core, feet planted as if to pull the mat apart, and I do well. As you begin this incredible journey, perhaps you can think of my fierce warrior when the going get rough, and if it doesn’t inspire fierce determination in you, may it get you peddling faster to be out of it’s path. All the best, can’t wait to hear your stories!
As I practice my yoga, I hear your voice “shoulders down the back.. abdomen tucked.. use your core.. feet planted as if to pull the mat apart”, and I do well. As you begin this incredible journey, perhaps you can think of my fierce warrior when the going get rough, and if it doesn’t inspire fierce determination in you, may it get you peddling faster to be out of it’s path. All the best, can’t wait to hear your stories